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Kinetic GPO – Group Purchasing Organization

Less Paperwork, More Playtime: A Simplified Playground Purchasing Solution

Kinetic GPO and BCI Burke Partner to Provide Value to Members

Kinetic GPO is a Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) that empowers members to leverage their collective ability to benefit from group buying and achieve greater savings on all goods and services that an awarded supplier has to offer. Burke is proud to partner with Kinetic GPO to provide for Playground Equipment and Related Materials and Services, RFSO 23-12 serving the Canadian Public Sector, Non-Profit, and MASH Entities.

In addition, Kinetic GPO’s contracting policies, procedures and processes are compliant with the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA), the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CFTA), the Atlantic Trade and Procurement Partnership (ATPP), the Ontario Broader Public Sector (BPS) Procurement Directive, the Ontario-Quebec Trade and Cooperation Agreement (OQTCA), and the New West Partnership Agreement (NWPTA).

GPOs play an important role in the public sector by reducing procurement costs, shortening the time to acquire what’s needed, ensuring compliance and mitigating bias and risk associated with the Public Sector purchasing.

Benefits of Kinetic GPO:

  • Kinetic GPO negotiates better prices for members by leveraging their combined buying power and offers pre-negotiated contracts with qualified vendors, saving time, money and resources in the procurement process.
  • Expertise & Support: Kinetic GPO has over 150 years of experience in public procurement. They offer training for members and vendors and advocate for public sector interests when dealing with contractors.
  • All Broader Public Sector, Non-Profit, and MASH (Municipalities, Universities, Schools, Hospitals) entities are eligible to use their contracts
  • Contracts are competitively solicited, evaluated and awarded in a fair, open and transparent manner.
  • The BCI Burke contract is 100% Compliant across the Country with all Regional and National Trade agreements.
  • The contract with BCI Burke is available for immediate use by all entities across Canada.
  • No Membership Fees
  • Publicly Solicited Contracts
  • No Volume Commitments

Three Steps to Using a GPO

Membership is free! Just follow these simple steps to start the buying process:

  1. Register today to simplify the process or email with any questions.
  2. Contact your local Burke Representative for information on products and services.
  3. Sign a Client Supplier Agreement with Burke and start buying!