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Fusing traditional and fitness-based play, Nucleus and Intensity bring exciting, engaging and adventurous play to children! These quality playgrounds are crafted in America's heartland using high quality materials and protected by the longest and strongest warranty in the industry - the Generations Warranty.
Browse our Favorite Nucleus-Intensity Designs
Burke’s connection systems are strong, accurate and ensure ease of installation. The Kore-Konnect® direct-bolt clamp system offers an easy, precise fit while the direct-bolt connection is straightforward.
Burke Built with a 100-year warranty, our steel posts are ready to be the anchors for your playspace!
Vibrant colors bring excitement and energy to the playspace and thanks to our thick, durable rotomolded plastics with UV-20 protection, our colors start bright and stay bright for the life of your playground.
Our exclusive EZKonnect® self-leveling platform attachment and factory CNC construction allows for faster and more precise location of platforms during installation.
Made of polyester with steel reinforced cores, Burke cables are secured with aluminum swivel connectors and are flexible enough to provide movement yet strong enough to hold up to kids being, well, kids!
Our industry-leading powder coatings and finishes prevent fading, last longer and deter rust. This keeps your playground looking vibrant, longer.