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BCI Burke Playground

kid playing in playground

World Health Day – Play for Your Health!

Play is fun, developmentally rich AND it’s HEALTHY! On World Health Day let’s talk about a couple health benefits of play!

  1. Play keeps kids and families active and moving and helps them have fun while playing! Climbing, sliding, swinging, jumping and running are all great ways for kids to get the 60 minutes per day of movement needed. A well-designed playspace offers these and more activities for children of all levels and abilities.
  2. Outdoor play brings people, well, outdoors! And being outdoors has incredible benefits – lower blood pressure, better mental health outcomes, lower obesity and more!
  3. Communities as a whole are happier and healthier with places to gather for socialization and movement. The Aspen Institute reports higher home values, better walking and biking scores, less smoking and better air quality in areas that spend at least $20/resident on outdoors spaces! Returns for the whole community!
  4. Intergenerational engagement improves language in children and helps everyone feel like part of the community. One of the most fun and exciting – and healthy – ways to play with all ages of community members is on Obstacle Courses! ELEVATE® Fitness Courses are motivating, engaging to all ages and fitness levels and provide a full body workout in an outdoor environment. The benefits are endless! 
  5. Play brings laughter and laughing has incredible short- and long-term effects on health! According to a Mayo Clinic article, short-term effects include soothing tension, stimulating your heart, lungs and muscles and increasing the endorphins that are released by your brain. Long-term effects are equally as amazing and include relieving pain and improving your immune system.

There are many more health benefits to play but it’s clear play and playfulness are a huge part of health and wellness. If you’re looking to add play to your community, contact your local Burke Representative today!
