What does it really mean to connect? We’re all so “connected” with mobile devices, television and chats of all kinds that maybe the word has been diluted a bit? Burke is redefining what it means to connect on the playground with the Konnection™ Swing, part of the Burke product line dedicated to enhancing play experiences and creating memorable connections for all users. With welcoming, flowing design lines, it brings a comforting form and experience to the playground.
The Growing Need for Connection
Today’s high paced world needs a space to promote true face-to-face connection, development and offer everyone an opportunity to engage. In the age of media overuse, the Konnection Swing is a timely introduction dedicated to reimagining our connections. Study after study, including a recently published study from Deloitte, conducted by Ipsos MORI, found that to be the case. According to the survey, which polled 2,000 US internet users ages 18 to 75, most people check their device approximately 47 times per day with younger users even higher at roughly 86 times a day.
A Continued Focus on User Experience
Creating a positive user experience begins with comfort. Designed with a generous-sized seat to accommodate a variety of people with ease, the Konnection Swing focuses on support and comfort wrapped up in a clean and welcoming form. Using the Konnection Swing should be intuitive for everyone. With an exclusive mechanism to hold the backrest at the top while entering the swing, it allows for a person holding a child or two to enter without having to hold the entry point out of the way. An optional side entrance offers a bigger child the opportunity to climb through and sit with the parent, caregiver or other child.
Using the swing is an incredible experience that promotes intergenerational play, engagement and interaction when adults and children swing together. Swinging advances skills such as cooperation, teamwork and develops users’ proprioceptive systems. The overall design helps foster true connection in both eye contact and proximity.
If you’re looking to redefine connections in your community, check out the video below!
The Making of The Konnection Swing from BCI Burke Company on Vimeo.